Gaskiya Dokin Karfe Domin sharhi kan al amuran yau da kullum

" Menstruation "
Sheikh Ibn Baz explains:
1. If a menstruating woman becomes pure before Fajr, then she prays previous Magrib and Isha.

2. If she becomes pure after Fajr, but before sunrise, then she only prays Fajr.

3. If she becomes pure after sunrise, then she does not have to pray Fajr but wait for Dhuhr.

4. If she becomes pure after Dhuhr, then she only prays Dhuhr.

5. If she becomes pure after Asr, then she prays both Dhuhr and Asr.

6. If she becomes pure after Magrib, then should only pray Magrib.

7. If she becomes pure after Isha, then she prays both Magrib and Isha.

Can u do Jihad by sharing this with our mothers, aunties, wives, sisters and daughters in Islam?

May Allah accept all our efforts as acts of ibaadah. Aameen.
Jazaakumullahu khairan.